Some Stats
of our School Strength
Class X Average CGPA
Class XII Average %
of our School Strength
Class X Average CGPA
Class XII Average %
of our School Strength
Class X Average CGPA
Class XII Average %
of our School Strength
Class X Average CGPA
Class XII Average %
Welcome to Army Public School,Bhopal
APS Bhopal is an Institution which has constantly served for more than 25 years to give every pupil the opportunity to succeed in an environment that is calm, safe and focused on achieving aspirations. We support and challenge pupils to achieve their best and reach the highest possible standards.
There is a continued focus on interdisciplinary and experiential learning. At the same time, their passions and aptitudes are enhanced: they build initiatives from a springboard of innovation. Such programs foster critical thinking abilities, communication skills, and creativity.
We deliver our learning through a language of shared virtues. We are committed to the belief that that the fostering of human virtues forms the foundation of all goodness. For our pupils, that means that our school is a safe and caring environment one in which they can enjoy their education.
Our approach helps to provide a strong moral compass for our pupils that enables them to fully understand the choices that will face them in life and the best path for them to follow. They also become self-reflective, can build strong, meaningful relationships and more fully understand their responsibilities to the global family and all creation.
Our school has a strong focus on sports and extra-curricular activities and strives to provide an inclusive environment for everyone.
Info Admission Inquiries
Weekday AM 07:30 ~ PM 04:00
(0755) 2970386. 2970388